Friday, March 26, 2010

Keeping Busy in Haiti

League of Hope would like to thank all of the people making relief and recovery efforts in Haiti possible. League of Hope has recently been approved as a Partner with MAP International, which allows us to deliver high-quality pharmaceuticals to desperately needy clinics in Haiti. On March 15, League of Hope took 150 pounds of medicine with a wholesale value of about $40,000US to Port Au Prince for the Bill Rice Clinic on La Gonave. This medicine was purchased with funds raised by Girl Scout Troop 3538 at Morningside Elementary School.

League of Hope organized, funded and led a group of agricultural experts from University of Georgia and Birdsong Peanuts on an assessment trip travelling from Port Au Prince to Cap Haitien. Check back soon for video of the trip.

In 2010, 100% of received funds are going directly to League of Hope projects in Haiti!

Check out the new website: