Thursday, January 21, 2010


     It is hard to imagine how this town will recover.  There are probably fewer than 5% of buildings inhabitable and the entire town is sleeping outside.  There is one camp with about 7000 people in it.  Water sources are limited due to lack of electricity for pumps and broken pipes.  People are scooping water out of ditches and small streams flowing in the gutters.  We have supplies now to get started, but we decided to also work on supplying the camps, starting big and working down.  We have 3(hopefully 3) 600 gallon tanks coming in tomorrow.  I have a local Policeman getting a map of the town for me.  We will mark all camps and water supply points on map.  We are looking for a water tanker that can fill these--have a couple of people searching.   We can rent this for awhile during the relief phase.
     Deb McFarland from Emory says they have collected a lot of medical supplies, so we will arrainge a similar flight down for those.  Ingrid, my friend from Unicef, said people were getting amputations without anesthesia in Petionville now....out of supplies.  She did say food supply has improved.
    I am based out of the Nursing School grounds.  The building is standing firm, newly constructed in 2005 or so.  There is a secure wall around the dormitory which I am in, although no one is sleeping inside.  I do have to scratch my head why we are storing all the supplies inside, though.  There is a second security wall on the larger campus, which is about 2 acres.  There is a survivor's camp here and an medical facility operating in a tent.  We have plenty of local Police and a few UN, so no security worries.  Plus free wireless!


  1. glad you've hit the ground running (so to speak). I'll try to get more people to follow the blog.

  2. Tell me something good that has happened today. Just a nugget - something, Graham.
